Saturday, 31 December 2016

Tiger/Lion Master ( Sifu ) in 佛Tree said " The Sarsi Drinks " = has no relations with the Bridge between KLGuanEng Ego and PKR racistLalaland ( HappyRabbitEaster )

First , The tour title is " Singapore Heritage " but they actually spend most of the times in casino ......... He , Wee Ka Siong start direct his staff to play some arrorant and funny games on 09/10/2011 ( but still fail ) .... as he founds bloggers not spend most of times in casino on 24/10/2010 and 28/02/2011 ...... The last minute inform forth tour on 25/05/2012 .... Bloggers didn't go as Hong Kong Myolie was coming to Malacca on 26/05/2012 ( while some Singh Temple Annual Celebration ) .... So total Subsidy tour is Three , Not Four = Allied / Merry Christmas for London / Germany Supporters

GreatWallE 佛Tree( Merry Christmas333 ) for ( Those NOT Love DAP SG ) but ( Love China / Hong Kong = ArrivalRocket 2017 )