Lee Hock Leng ( good guy ) is Accounts Exceutive while Blogger was Accounts Clerk in one company ( before bloggers going to MBf Finance ) = is also a spy from Mahathir = As Halal Lim Tea Team ( consider he belanja bloggers drink tea each morning in office ) ...... Mahathir vs Blogger = 1-0 ................ And when bloggers move to MBf Finance , becomes 1-1 ................ After Bank Merge ..... as Am Bank ....... bloggers move to another company ( not interested with Anwar Ibrahim's rise and fall - July 10, 2002 ) ..... when he appoint Pak Lah as Prime Minister ................. generally Mahathir vs Bloggers = 2-1 ............................... This game result maintain 2-1 until 5/5/2012 when Najib allow his idiot Minister ( Hatinya CUKUP Busuk ) campur tangan in Wesak ( main reason want bloggers VS his brothers on 5/5/2012 ...... but bloggers finally end relations with HIM on 3/11/2012 ) and Happy Wesak 5/5/2012 caused result 2-2 ( which some legacy not wanted by Mahathir in his life ) .............................. Then you have some Anjing makan cili ( kurang puas hati orang lain sedang makan cili ) mencabar Mahathir sebab Mahathir TAK mungkin jadi PM lebih daripada 22 tahun ( dia boleh jadi apa MP Padang Rengas > 22 Tahun )
mengapa DAP Ayeh Keroh mesti melacurkan Vampire Princess 113 sebagai syarat fund raising from MCAngry ( jika ada pilihan lain seperti gadis 117 , 118 ) ???? ..... Sebab Vampire Princess 113 mempunyai market value yang tinggi ....... a) Bloggers kenal dia ....... b) Tarikh lahirnya ialah 12(December)/30 jika dibanding masa tarikh lahir blogger 12.30 am ( ada orang cakap bloogers sepatutnya dilahir pada 11.30 pm ) ....... c) Bila gagal lacurkan 113 , Selepas 12 tahun DAP pecat ADUN Teluk Datuk , Selangor( tebus maruahnya ) = apa kaitan ???? Sudah tentu ada kaitan , hanya akan jawab jika tiba masanya .......... Mahathir namakan ( MBf Finance merge Arab Finance) = AM Banks ( sound iii know you born in 12.30 am , what can you do in July 30 , 2002 ???????? )