Friday, 1 March 2013

007 Sonny AngeL 10/33 1Love( 0x Hotel ) Cloud Gallerys , M C Angry Eat Crocodile (Movie ) Just Because Chinese Again ????

Some DAP MP will lose due to PAS Policy ??? Some areas has impact , some area no impact = so depends on area . But we think some DAP MP will lose due to PKR Super Racist Policy . Chinese Right can classified as [ ] High [ ] Advance [ ] Basic . But what we see is whatever PKR giving to Chinese looks like far from Basic , which looks like CHEAP . Chinese is improving in one day due to what policy ??? Is Chinese can improving or Chinese have to ??? Sini tak boleh jalan sebab Melayu punya , sana tak boleh jalan sebab only for Chinese who support PKR , tengah kena lompat sebab while Kota Melaka is under useless DAP MP , the state is still under BN ???

So Does We Need So Many DAP MP ??? Consider their basic perfomance - ( A ) defends Chinese 365 days - ( B + ) , ( B - ) defends Chinese only during 15 day of CNY , ( C ) we think most of them also not defends the Chinese during the 15 day of CNY . So suddenly there is so many CNY Open House in Serdang ( don't want say it is bad ) , just some puzzle as other areas is silence ( either no budget has given or  has been given gag order not allowed to do it or or choose to do it ( with own agenda ) . (  Yes has to depends on luck ) , we have our own community , otherwise not the question " Chinese or Malay ? " , actually more to question " Still Human or already Ghost ? " 

Unofficial Record 5606 vs Official 43 x 55 = 2365

Agree Topple BN in the reason they are corrupted ???  But we have some DAP even not to thumbs up Singapore due to PKR policy . The world safe street is rated by freedom to walk without ( or without too many macam orang GILA ) CCTV Camera .

PKR say kelas menengah Melayu tidak banyak kelihatan, malah kelas bawahan Melayu ??? Funny statement = today Msia Hotel much like not so welcome the Chinese . Consider Teh-Tarik is for kelas menengah Melayu , the Chinese which not enter the hotel use what to SEE ??? Anyway , above meal is not offered by PR or BN , also not very sure what functions it is = Singh Wedding ??? = but the service giving is totally 5 x 5 star = that's why we predict it is Singh , they deliver FREE drinks after you take your food to your table ( without have to going for second round ) , quite surprises is another 3 minutes is FREE GIFT ( no need to worry lucky draw to crony ) to every person who attends

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