Saturday, 13 July 2013

2012.2.4/33 So Sad (草蜢,關淑怡) = Green Urban regeneration in Fuchun Mountains (四大天王) vs kepentingan Ekuiti PR Now ( two eye RM + RM ) Selangor think every foreigners is also US$ + US$

Hilang motosikal bukan satu perkara yang teruk in M'sia when friends told newspaper said ( 6 juta ??? ) not renew driving  licence . Mengapa PR anti-public transport , kerana tidak mempunyai kepentingan ekuiti ??? Pekerja MAS tanya mengapa BN secretly in behind PR - ketawakan us yang naik bus untuk kerja in KLIA ???

What PR Selangor can give to Chinese and Indian in 2012 / 2013 ??? Kampung Tunku khuatir sekiranya PKNS kehilangan kepentingan ekuitinya dalam PJ Sentral Development Sdn. Bhd., maka rakyat Selangor amnya dan Petaling Jaya khasnya tidak dapat menikmati hasil pembangunan semula ini = Urban regeneration was one of the six economic stimulus packages adopted by Selangor last year to tackle recession and is aimed at creating jobs and generating income ( for crony ) as well as making the city vibrant ( but the city still nearly as zombie level , eg Axis Autrium in Pandan Indah ) . The Barisan Nasional (BN)-led government’s decision that foreigners who enroll themselves in Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H) ( Still remember wearing banyak hat women ask BN why NOT do the best to sell MM2H ??? ) will be exempted from car sales tax and excise duty . But it did not give the better benefit of a doubt to Malaysians ourselves ( ya ya PR crony sell the car , still say not benefit ) . It is a form of discrimination and it is unacceptable. Does this mean that Malaysians’ contribution is not worthy of enjoying sales and excise duty exemption as compared to MM2H’s participants who have just migrated to Malaysia ? BN-led government will never abolish excise duty because it contributes RM7 billion a year ( agree too , kalau abolish , lebih baik jangan jual kereta lagi baik ) . Secondly , this discrimination is also felt by all non-administrative MPs where they do not enjoy such exemption too . It is because they were only allowed of excise duty exemption to purchase a locally assembled 4-wheeled drive only .

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